We only engage in business that can be expected to benefit both the buyer and the seller.
Who we are
At our core we’re all about mastering the mineral market with integrity. Our people, with decades of experience, offer honest and invaluable insights to keep you ahead of the game.
Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for us: It’s our way of life. We’re in this together, committed to making a positive impact for your business and our planet.
Our supply chain? It’s designed with you in mind. We streamline the process so what you need is always ready to go, offering a hassle-free experience that lets you focus on your business.
In the mineral world we’re transparent and crystal clear. With market mastery, sustainable practices, and efficient supply chain, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.
GC Rieber Minerals
Crystal clear partners in progress.
Business Principles
Business principle 2
It is better to risk your money than your reputation Do not speculate, except in so far as is necessary in the normal course of operations.
Business principle 3
Never place all your eggs in one basket.
Business principle 4
The ABCDEF rule – “At Besidde Contanter Det Er Finessen” – The art is to always have sufficient liquid assets.
Business principle 5
The first losses are always the smallest. It is better to sell at a loss than not to sell at all.
Business principle 6
It is just as important to build up the company’s human resources as its financial resources.
Business principle 7
Value the person who makes two blades of grass grow where before there was only one.
Business principle 8
In order to preserve, we must always renew. Constantly innovate and retain what is best. Focus on where we can excel.
Business principle 9
We must maintain an open dialogue between our community, business partners, employees and shareholders.
Business principle 10
Natural resources should be passed on to future generations in at least as good shape as they were in when we took over.
GC Rieber Minerals in numbers
Based in
3000 +
GC Rieber Minerals AS has a strong and competent management with extensive experience in the sourcing, supply, innovation and sale of minerals.

Head of Development, Innovation and Sustainability
Truls Wingsternes